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The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City

Help print 100,000 copies of the Declaration of the Occupation by donating at THIS LINK.

With a generous outpouring of support from activists, artists, and occupiers The Sparrow Project was able to print the first 10,000 copies of The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City but we are going to need your help to reach our goal of printing and distributing 100,000 copies!  This document is the first and only declaration to come from the Occupation of Wall Street, it is a summation of the grievances expressed by the occupiers, its a call to action, but moreover it is the first edition in our Occupation Reader series chronicling this historic mile marker in the fight for social, environmental, and economic justice.  The Declaration of the Occupation of New York City, as transcribed and edited by Ryan Hoffman, Lex Rendon, and the Call to Action Working Group, was accepted by the NYC General Assembly, on Steptember 29, 2011 and later amended on October 18th, 2011 to make its narrative even more inclusive.  You own this document. Everyone owns it.  The declaration is a reflection of every voice amplified by the people’s mic at the NYC General Assembly at Liberty Square, from September 17, 2011 to October 18, 2011. We encourage you to copy, reproduce, and distribute its contents.

Our second edition is currently being laid out to include a solidarity letter from Tahir Square, as well as additional documentation from the NYC General Assembly.  Our goal is to print 100,000 copies of this second edition and distribute it to occupied cities coast to coast.  In order to distribute a print run of this size we need your help to reach out fundraising goals.  Please share this blog post widely, and encourage everyone you know to donate.  Any amount brings us closer to our goal of 100,000 copies.

You can help us print 100,000 copies of the 2nd edition of the People’s Declaration of the Occupation of Wall Street by donating at THIS LINK